By Jerisse Baird Images used in this article are not of the author.
I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS at the age of 16. I was worried to learn that I may have encountered problems to have children. I was devastated because I love children and I wanted to have a family as I grew older.
Getting pregnant was tough for me. My gynaecologist prescribed birth control pills for me as well as Glucophage. When I was 18, I got pregnant. I got really sick; I had really bad pelvic cramps and I vomited non-stop. I was eventually warded because I lost a lot of fluids and had to be placed on drips. When I came out of the hospital, I depended on Gravol suppositories which helped me a great deal. I was scared because I was so young but as the pregnancy progressed, I started preparing myself mentally, emotionally, and physically for my baby. I carried my baby to full term. I packed my hospital bag, attended clinic, had three ultrasounds done and my baby was fine. I even found out that I was having a baby girl! I was really happy. My baby was healthy and growing really well.

On the last day they induced labour and when my water bag burst, the fluid that came out was green and I immediately knew that my baby was in distress.
My due date came around and I noticed that I wasn't getting any contractions. I didn't think anything of it because I thought that maybe she would come a little later. Little did I know the terrible experience that I was about to face. I started getting pains, so I decided to go into the hospital. I was warded for an entire week. On the last day they induced labour and when my water bag burst, the fluid that came out was green and I immediately knew that my baby was in distress.
I finally gave birth and my baby was 9 pounds 4 ounces but to my grief she was not moving. She passed meconium in the amniotic fluid and swallowed some. She was placed in an incubator on a ventilator for 3 days but sadly, she eventually died. I was devastated because this was my first child and she passed away. It was heart-breaking for me to deal with this but I trusted that God was on my side.

At the age of 25, I found out that I was pregnant again. I was really excited! One day I was at work and started spotting so I decided to take time off and go for an ultrasound. I was devastated to find out that my baby died inside of me at eight weeks old. I had to get a D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure done to remove the fetus.
I thought I was really unlucky with having children. At that point, I started to give up on trying to conceive but I still kept praying for a child. I started using a “detox” and natural remedies to clean out my body and my womb. Within that time, I started feeling nauseous, having pelvic cramps and vomiting so I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was ecstatic to know that I was pregnant again! This time, I wanted to be extra careful with my diet. I also had regular doctors’ appointments, ultrasounds, and health center visits to ensure that my baby and I were doing well. I needed to be extra careful because I was so scared of losing another child.
My due date had passed, and I was given a letter from my clinic to be admitted into the prenatal ward in the hospital. I was told that I couldn’t be induced because my child's head didn't engage into my pelvis, so I was scheduled to have a caesarean section (C-section) the following week. I was really terrified because I heard so many different, horrible experiences that women endured due to having C-sections but I told myself that I came so far, and I needed to push through with it. I started praying more than ever.
When I heard my baby cry, I was overjoyed. I immediately thanked God for bringing us both through.
The day came for me to have the C-section and I was really scared but I was also really excited to meet my child, so I didn't mind going through with the surgery. The staff at the hospital were really nice and they ensured that I was comfortable and explained the entire procedure to me. They proceeded to do the surgery and it was successful! When I heard my baby cry, I was overjoyed. I immediately thanked God for bringing us both through.
As of writing, I am now 26 years old, and I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy via C-section on November 3rd, 2021. He's healthy and active and I thank God every day for my son. I recovered really well from the surgery and I have never regretted going through my pregnancy or having a C-section done. I would do it all over again.

I really enjoy being a mother as it's one of the greatest gifts ever.
I really enjoy being a mother as it's one of the greatest gifts ever. I have learnt a lot in that short period of being a first-time mom. I have learnt that your whole life changes when you have a child. You have a new, little human to love, to teach things to, to take care of, to protect, to pray for, to bond with, to groom into a wonderful being. It's just a wonderful experience. I am lucky and blessed to be someone's mother, teacher, friend, and nurse.